BRAYFIT FLEX400 Full Body Workout Door Gym
BRAYFIT FLEX400 is a high grade door gym for whole body workout with the heavy resistance bands, wrist/ankle straps and padded handles, in the comfot of your home. Anyone can use it comfortably at home, in the office or dorm, wherever they have a door for a total body workout that covers lower body, core section and upper body.
Black BrayFit Flex 400 is made of steel and latex and has the carefully crafted power cords and stranded rubber consistent resistance. You have the nicely padded wrist and ankle straps and the comfy anti-slip rubber handles as part of the thick external webbing of attachments. It is a total body all-in one pre-assembled set and you can set it up easily without needing to use any tools. It comes with an installation and instruction manual and you’ll know what you’re doing even if you’re new to working out or resistance bands.
In the box you’ll get a straight workout bar for doing curls, squats etc., two padded handles, four metal locks and six strong resistance bands and an innovative training deck of more than 80 exercises. It will let you perform a variety of exercises to strengthen and tone different muscles in your body. And you will not need to get any extra accessories. This practical home door gym equipment is suitable for use by women and men at different ages, skills and fitness levels, from newbies to hardcore trainers for their different goals.
It is an all in one tool that lets you have a great whole body workout in just 15 minutes a day. You can burn calories and fat, strengthen and tone muscles, increase flexibility and endurance by using this portable home gym equipment regularly and eat healthy. The solid resistance bands of the Flex400 have more than 90 individual strands, high quality and durable polymer and latex blend and nylon weave outer sleeve. As it is reinforced with the premium steel bars it is ideal for your more intense training sessions.
By using a handle and carabiner included in the package, you first connect a power band from the upper left to a power band on the upper right. And the by using another handle and carabiner, you connect a power band from the lower right to a power band on the upper left. With the handles connected to the carabiner in the centre you can perform different exercises. It is shipped from a warehouse in the US and the package weighs 7.76 pounds and measures 11.34L x 10.39W x 6.54H inches. April 20, 2022 is the date it was first available at and is currently listed in the top 150 best selling home gym systems. There aren’t many customer reviews online yet.