Goplus Foldable 2015 Premium Gravity Inversion Table Review

Goplus 2015 Gravity Inversion Table via Amazon

Goplus Foldable 2015 Premium Gravity Inversion Table Back Therapy Fitness Reflexology

This is the heavy duty, great quality and brand new 2015 Goplus Premium Gravity Inversion Table with steel frame and a foldable design for fitness, back therapy and reflexology purposes by putting you in the intended 180 degree full “inverted” position for your body to defy gravity to relieve pressure on nerve roots, discs and lower back, decompress spinal discs, fight compression fatigue, recover lost moisture on discs because of general wear and tear and exercise to return to their original state, increase your overall flexibility and enhance blood flow to your lower spine area- improve blood circulation that reaches your legs, arms and lower spine for your body to function efficiently. Inverted state is necessary to avoid pressure and stress placed on your body during its normal state so you can benefit better from it as you will be in a more comfy state but it may feel a little weird at first so you will do it gradually and work your way up so do not try and go into the 180 degree inverted position.

Goplus Foldable 2015 Premium Gravity Inversion Table

GoPlus Inversion Table is a durable and stable unit with a steel frame and good quality components, weighs 50 pounds and measures  57 x 49 x 29 inches, has a 39.4 x 15.4 inch foam pad and can be folded for easy storage. It is suitable for use by younger and older, short or very tall adults between 4’10” and 6′ 6″ with an adjustable user height and it can carry a maximum user weight of 300 pounds. You can control the unit rotation, angle and speed with the three position roller hinge and e-brake for added convenience for those of you having problems folding at the waist level and nylon security strap for assisted safety along with easy to grip handles for support and safety. Like the rest of the GoPlus fitness products this inversion table delivers quite good value for money and if you wish to simply improve your flexibility or try and relieve your neck or back pain then it may well be ideal for you. There are many positive reviews on online forums and as product reviews by real people that suffer from leg pain, serious muscle spasms, stenosis, herniations, protrusions and bulges but the results will be different for each individual. It doesn’t come assembled so you will need to do some simple assembly when you get it shipped to your address.

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