Wonder Core Smart Sean Lee Home Gym Equipment
Wonder Core Smart “Sean Lee” is a practical and advanced all-in-one workout system that looks like a simple ab machine but is certainly more than that, with double resistance and comfortable cushion rollers, for an overall body workout that you can target your biceps, triceps, abs, different leg muscles including your calves, glutes and thighs with in different exercise options. Two-way or dual resistance means your muscles will get a nice workout both on the way up and on the way down so you get double the impact in the same time and will particularly strengthen the core section of your body with dual resistance springs. It is good for aerobic / cardio and resistance / strength training to work your lower body, core and upper body and can be adjusted for level of challenge or intensity with resistance levels of 26.5 and 48.5 pounds with the adjustable tension in the yellow levers that can feel a little flimsy but does the trick and the unit is very well constructed overall and is durable, stable and solid- there will be no slipping or sliding when you put it on a yoga mat or a similar surface.
Wonder Core Smart looks good in green and black, weighs 11 pounds and measures 20.87 x 20.47 x 14.57 inches, has a conveniently foldable design (becomes 20.87 x 20.47 x 4.72 inches) for easier storage and to be carried easily when you’re traveling. It is suitable for both younger and older adults alike as it has comfortable cushion rollers and good support overall as a very well built machine with a simplistic design. It is fun to use and will make it easier for you to exercise after a long day at work and when you have no time or energy to get to gym and want to just stay at home. Even if you have mobility issues and suffer from knee, back or neck pain this is a great and easy to use tool that will help you get some workout everyday or a few times a week depending on how much you can handle. Push-ups, sit-ups and crunches are easy to do with Wonder Core and you wii get your back, arms, legs and core toned if you use it regularly. The good thing is you can use it when you are watching TV and it will not even feel like you’re working out with a 48 pound tension exercise machine, you will gradually start seeing results if you also follow a generally healthy eating plan, which is common sense. Please note that there is no assembly work required as it is sent totally assembled to your address.