Innova ITX9900 Heavy Duty Deluxe Inversion Table with Air Lumbar Support Review

Innova ITX9900 Heavy Duty Deluxe Inversion Table

Innova ITX9900 Heavy Duty Deluxe Inversion Table

Innova ITX9900 is a mid-2018 release heavy duty and modern deluxe inversion table by Innova Health and Fitness. It comes with the convenient air lumbar support and you shall be able to control how much support your back may need during your inversion session.

The rating is 4.2 out of 5 stars by 7 customers at the time of this product review page. There are six different angles you can adjust it with the 6-position inversion pin on the side, instead of the older style strap. The extra protective cover will let you position easily and you have the over strap for safe inversion.

The true balance and ergonomic ankles will let you invert easily. Your back will feel more comfortable on the nicely padded backrest. There is a big holder at the front and a small holder at the back of the ergonomic ankle design. So that you will feel a lot less pressure on your ankle during your inversion. The maximum user weight capacity is specified as 300 pounds with the heavy-gauge steel tube and people between the heights of 4’10” and 6’6” can invert on this unit comfortably. With the two-way adjustment you can adjust both your height and the headrest and find the optimal gravity center to be able to invert easily and smoothly.

Prior to the use of this inversion table you should ask your licensed healthcare provider as people with certain medical problems should not use this unit. Please read the instructions and security warnings for set-up and use of this Innova ITX9900 Heavy Duty Deluxe Inversioninversion table, and not go just with what’s on the Amazon product page. And you can always contact the customer support team with any questions you may have. It is common for ankle supports not to be very comfy on many of the inversion tables but that is not the case with the Innova ITX9900.

Your ankle will not be bearing all the weight when you’re inverting. You can detach the inflated air lumbar support easily as it clips on the backrest- there is a quick release clip. It is easy to fold up by simply pulling a pin at the tip of the right base frame and re-insert the pin into the hole. You need to make sure that the base frame should be left wide open so there is no tipping.

This model is covered with proper safety features, dual ankle clamps, a comfy board, backrest and headrest, a long lock-release lever for feet and an adjustable lumbar support. You do not need to bend all the way down after you’re done inverting, thanks to the longer lock-release foot lever. And all of this is offered at a very reasonable price. It can take a bit of time to put the unit together on your own but is easy enough to do as long as you follow the instructions. For the low price level the Innova ITX9900 is hard to beat and offers very good value for money. It comes with a warranty of one year by Innova and you can have a peace of mind that customer support will help you with any issues you may have.

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