Nexttechnology Electric Mini Folding Treadmill Review

Nexttechnology Electric Mini Folding Treadmill 

Nexttechnology Electric Mini Treadmill

Nexttechnology HB802 is an electric motorized compact treadmill with a 1 HP motor for walking, jogging. and running without needing to leave the comfort of your home. It scores 5 out of 5 stars by 4 customers at the time of this review, indicating a good customer satisfaction rate.

You also have two alternative models to choose from, HSM-T02 and HSM-T04F models with larger display panels, pulse rate sensors and a better running belt. The HB802 Treadmill weighs 42 pounds, has a heavy-duty construction with a good quality steel frame and a decent running belt for a low impact workout. It measures 49 x 52.55 x 24.8 inches with a jogging belt of 38.2 x 14 inches, which is OK for a budget priced home treadmill.

The user weight capacity on all models is 220 pounds (roughly 100 kg), which makes it useful for a good percentage of adults. This great little electric treadmill has a foldable and portable design so you can lift the running belt towards the display panel and move the treadmill on its convenient transport wheels to any part of your house. You can put it in a corner, under your bed or in your closet. It has a 1 horsepower motor for an efficient operation. You have the integrated heart rate sensors on the HSM models so that you can stay in your target heart rate zone.

Nexttechnology Electric Mini Treadmill LCD Display

You can walk, jog or run at speeds up to 6 mph that you can adjust via the display panel. The digital LCD display panel gives you the stats including speed, calories, distance, time exercised and pulse rate as well as Scan. You can adjust the speed by the arrow up and down buttons to burn calories in a shorter period of time. The preset training modes are also mentions and you can customize your workout with the settings that will suit your goals better.

This is a good quality, portable, compact, solid and durable fitness product that comes with a warranty of three years by the manufacturer and a hundred percent risk-free guarantee for customer satisfaction. People of different ages, including women and kids can use it every day comfortably as long as they don’t weigh more than 220 pounds. All three models are both lightweight and sturdy, so you shouldn’t have any concerns over stability and safety. They run very quietly and you can easily watch TV or listen to music while you2re running at max speed of 6 mph. They are very good treadmills at the low price point, and we do not hesitate recommending them.

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