MaxKare Manual Mechanical Treadmill
MaxKare Manual Treadmill is a compact, modern walking, jogging and running fitness equipment with a foldable design and transport wheels, a functional LCD-backlit display panel with accurate readings and a total of 242 pounds of user weight on its robust and durable frame.
As a very recent release manual or mechanical treadmill that first became available at in March 2021 there is a single 5-star rating on the website so far. This non-electric mechanical treadmill is run by the power of your feet and body and will save you on energy usage. And the overall performance level will not be less than a comparable electric treadmill. It is designed for home gym or office use specifically and not really for normal commercial gym settings. You have the flexibility to place it wherever you want in your house as you do not need to be near a power outlet.
It has a small multi-functional LCD monitor that tells you the calories burned, distance traveled, time exercised, current speed for you to keep track of your workout progress with the accurate readings and you can reach your fitness target faster. MaxKare Mechanical Treadmill weighs 46.2 pounds and has the measurements of 20.04L x 23.23W x 49.09H inches. It has a robust frame that can carry a total of 242 pounds of user weight. It is lightweight, compact, foldable and portable on its built-in wheels and you can put it in a convenient corner or against a wall in your house. You can move it away easily without doing any heavy lifting or muscle strain.
With the fixed 7.6-degree incline level you can burn calories better and have a more challenging workout. As part of its ergonomic design you have the curved soft foam handles that offer a nice grip and the ant-slip multi-layer tread belt with good support for your joints. You won’t be likely to lose your balance easily and can feel safe on this sturdy platform as you’ll also be in total control of your speed. It can handle light jogging or power walking just fine as long as you don’t weigh more than the specified weight limit. The anti-slip solid tread belt is designed to reduce the noise level during even the faster jogging. I personally prefer a manual treadmill to an electric one as it works better for me, that I’m more in control and I get a better workout.