TRX GO Suspension Training Kit Review

TRX GO Suspension Training Kit 

TRX GO Suspension Training

TRX GO is the latest of TRX suspension training kits, that is the lightest and leanest so far, for you to work out in your house, in the backyard, outdoors anywhere- at the park and beach whenever you want, targeting the core or any part of your body and comes with the suspension trainer itself, a suspension anchor, a door anchor, a “Get Started” poster and a convenient mesh carry and storage bag. You will find two x 20 minute workouts and the instructions you need for using this product efficiently in the TRX Get Started Poster. Door anchor is for using it on any solid door and the suspension anchor lets you workout at any location outdoors as it weighs only one lb. It can be set up in less than a minute once you take it out of its box or at whatever location you want to set it up each time. And you can start straight away with your exercise program with the two x 20-minute very intense exercise sessions so you can get fast professional results at home or outdoors.

TRX GO Suspension Training Kit

Achieving solid abs and core area is the main thing with this suspension training kit and a strong core supports your entire body and you will feel your overall muscles getting stronger and more flexible by simply using gravity and your bodyweight, you can do push and pull exercises, rotation, squats, lunges- a total of more than three hundred exercises and it will be up to you to work out from very easy to very challenging and anything in between. You can mix and match to achieve the results you wish and you will see that after the first workout on the first day your body will get quite sore in the lower abs and in the other right places, as good indication that it works for burning calories and fat, developing lean muscles (not bulky), flexibility, strength, energy and endurance you need whether you’re an ordinary person that wants to get in shape or an athlete. It has a patented ergonomic design that makes it easy to use in a great variety of exercises at different locations indoors and outdoors, with unique features that are only available in TRX products. Warranty included is one year limited by the manufacturer and also 100% purchase satisfaction for one year that makes it a risk-free purchase.

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