Stealth “Game Your Core” Dynamic Ab Trainer
Stealth, powered by Gameplay Technology, is the first dynamic core trainer in the world that takes the basic “plank” exercise and make it a complete gaming experience.
You just need to follow the Stealth gaming app and feel all your abdominal, back and other muscles working. You’ll first download the Stealth gaming app free of charge on your iPhone or Android smartphone, put it into the center of Stealth, select the game, get into the plank position, and start using Stealth with the app. You can also compete with another person, with the multiplayer function.
You will get flat and even six packs and stronger backs by dedicating only a few minutes per day and eating healthy. You will be playing games by using your core muscles and you will be totally forgetting that you’re working out as your focus will be on the game and time will fly. The manufacturer claims that you’ll be getting results by using the Stealth for less than three minutes a day.
You’ll be getting a pretty decent workout, working a variety of muscles, not just your core and having fun with the games at the same time. You will be controlling the game on your mobile phone by the strength of your core section, capture targets, and score points. A basic, static yet effective exercise like plank will become engaging both for your muscles and brain, making it more advanced.
Not many people enjoy going to gym regularly or they simply don’t have a lot of time and energy left from work. And the best thing they can do is getting the workout equipment for the home gym. These could be an exercise bike, treadmill, a bench for weight training, dumbbells, and perhaps an ab trainer. If you are the kind of person that gets bored easily then you probably want something fun to use while giving you the results.
The gaming app is reported to be awesome and your mind will be on the game you’re playing and the run, rather than feeling the pain and boredom of the repetitiveness of the workout. This also appears to be a great idea that can be used with other exercises. And we assume we’ll start seeing these products soon on the market. Stealth is not a cheap product by any means but judging by the customer reviews it appears to offer great value for money.
It is no gimmick, is well-made and durable, delivers results, you will feel it working your abs and other muscles (upper body strength and balance) while having fun at the same time. You may actually get addicted to this exercise program easily, by the amount of fun you’re having. Stealth managed to score 5 / 5 stars out of 9 customer ratings at the time of this review. It is a special “Made in the USA” product that is offered with a 60 day Money Back Guarantee.