Z ZTDM 4 Feet 500W Electric Foldable Treadmill
The recently released four feet foldable treadmilll model by Z ZTDM is designed for walking, jogging and running at home or office. It is an electric unit with a reasonable 500-watt motor (110V, 60Hz) that offers enough power for great cardiovascular workouts- endurance, speed and interval training. And with a power saver design it doesn’t consume much energy.
Z ZTDM is offered in two different designs- with armrest and without armrest. It has a farly sturdy frame and is suitable for use by people that weigh up to 220 pounds or 100kg, which is OK if you’re not very big. This is not an expensive commercial grade model and the size (39.5 x 13.5 inches) of the running belt may be limiting for very large adults anyway.
You can fold and unfold it very easily and safely by lifting the running belt towards the display panel. By using the incline you will be challenged more during your workout, burn calories and fat, strengthen and tone muscles. This model lets you jog and run at speeds up to 6 miles per hour (a bit less than 10kph). You can change the speed during your workout and increase it as your physical condition permits.
The basic smart LCD display shows you the stats like distance, calories, speed, time and scan to keep you more motivated. There is a red safety key and cord in the middle that is standard to all treadmills that you can attach to your gym clothes so it stops in case of a fall or drifting back. You’ll also find an emergency stop button on the handle. So you have double safety and can have a peace of mind.
Using this treadmill regularly and eating healthy on a daily basis will not only help you lose weight but will also reduce stress and make you keep healthy overall. It doesn’t make much noise when you’re using it and you can use it in any part of your house without disturbing anyone in the house or neighbors. The good quality texture belt has a total of five layers that help decrease both the vibration and noise levels.
You can expect to burn up to 7-800 calories by exercising on this treadmill for an hour. And if you’re familiar with the cardio machines at the gyms, treadmill is the one that makes you burn the most calories. It has a heavy-duty steel frame, weighs 58.42 pounds and measures 49.41 x 24.8 x 47.24 inches overall and 50 x 24 x 19 inches as folded. As a compact foldable treadmill it will help you save on space, both when folded and unfolded.
The materials used on this model is steel for the frame, PVC belt, foam handrails and ABS control panel. You need a bit of space underneath the treadmill so please keep it on a flat floor and not on a thick carpet. Keep it away from moisture, water or rain and it is designed only for indoor home or office use only, not outdoors. It is easy to assemble but please make sure you put the pieces together correctly before turning it on and start using it. It is offered with a warranty of two years by the seller if you encounter any problems.